Monday, January 23, 2006

Beware Women Bearing Gifts!! It's all a plot

In the middle of the stuff with my dad being in the hospital, I went for lunch with a great gal friend of mine. She being the good hearted friend that she is brought me a bath bomb to use in the tub 'cause she figured it'd be all soothing & relaxing & nice. This past Wednesday night I decided to have a bath & relax & figured I'd toss the bath bomb in so I could say I'd made use of the present.

Not sure what I was expecting - I was kind of thinking it'd make bubbles or fizz or something. I haven't had a bubble bath since I was a kid, so thought it might be novel/weird to experience that again. But, no fizzing, no bubbling... the bomb quickly dissolved in the water leaving a mixed aroma of foreign smells that filled the room & some sort of skunge on the top of the water. At first I figured it was just a bunch of oil released by the bomb (I'd heard of bath oils) & figured that the 'skunge' was just light reflecting off the oil residue. So I had my bath & then got out of the tub & was drying off & was looking at my skin & thought, "what the...?" and then I noticed that my skin was covered in little silver & gold sparkles... turned out the skunge stuff was a whole bunch of sparkle-bits that embedded themselves onto my skin while I was soaking in the tub & i was now covered in sparkles....

Let me tell you, it was one of the most de-man-ify-ing moments I've experienced in a long time. The sense of masculinity just gets stripped away when you're standing there all covered in sparkly bits.... that & I was praying they'd rub off by morning 'cause I didn't want to go into work looking like "Mr. Sparkles"....

...but I apparently still had some on at work the next day... and Sharon was picking some off my face on Saturday night,... and I notice now while typing this on my bed, that there's still sparkly bits, hiding around, waiting to latch on again & make me look all, uh, 'pretty' (gak!)...


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Kirk,
Had to laugh at the bubble bath incident...good vun! Sacha

January 25, 2006 at 1:57 AM  

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