Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Writing exercise: 11 Apr AM

morning observations woven around discussing bugs at the bug review:

- can't remember dreams. Woke up groggy. Had some psuedo half awake dreams of being in some schoolroom with other people & wanting to stay in the dream/sleep & had some teacher type figure (maybe me) prodding me to keep going & wake up & not hit snooze so often & actually try to make it in for this bug review meeting.

- Apathy was running high this morning. Had 'Vicarious' playing away in the internal stereo. Got all shaved & showered & dressed. Got a roast in the oven for tonight. Roads weren't as bad as I thought. God help us if this rain freezes on the roads... (may be an interesting commute for lunch today).

- Radio on the drive in. Listening to the normally very good morning show on CKUA. No deep thoughts. Had some song with Herbie Hancock & John Mayer. Tempted to buy a ticket for his concert. Mostly so I can catch Kathleen Edwards who is supposed to be opening for him. I hear John Mayer is fantastic, but I think he's the guy who is hanging with/chasing Jessica Simpson. She impresses me as being like the chick in the movie last night. Pretty, but not too bright. Maybe I'm just hard on people. I respect people with enough smarts to protect themselves... maybe the blond not so brainy chicks are still great people with sweet hearts & who just have fun & laugh & enjoy life... Maybe my love of thinking, contemplating, exploring humanity & emotion & philosophy & stuff just makes me no fun & chokes my enjoying things... so maybe it's all perspective... Maybe I could learn something deep & profound from Jessica Simpson (uhm, or not).

- Intrigued by Patti Griffin's music. Heard a song about some old dude riding a bus to who knows where that I like & realize it's one of her tunes. Seems to be some metaphor for life that there is a ride to be experienced/enjoyed, but direction/destination is not always so clear.

- bugs suck. I've got limited time & no tools to really investigate these, but can't push them back to the developers as 'broken' unless I basically completely diagnose the issue for them... bleh.

- Psalms 25 & Heb 12. Will have to look at these more tonight. Psalms 25 felt 'new'. I'd forgotten what's in it, if I ever knew. Heb 12 is sort of been ingrained in me.... The 'surrounded by the great cloud of witnesses', then running the race looking to Jesus. Then the section on chastening. Forgot about the strengthening the feeble part, but remember Esau & his tears & the contrast between Sinai & Zion, old covenant vs. new & then the quote from Haggai about God shaking heaven & earth.... good passage, but I likely (almost) take it for granted out of familiarity...

Interesting to contrast this with Psalms 25. David repenting for his sin. Hebrews 12 opening with Jesus enduring the contradiction of sinners... It's maybe good to realize that we are both those who are saved, those who Jesus died for, and also the murderers of Jesus, our sin being what nailed him to the tree.... but liked Psalm 25... good, real prayers - asking God for help & deliverance...

more to come later in the day.


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