Sunday, October 23, 2005

Repeating Myself

I'm sure I've said this before, but maybe not in a blog/journal post, but I'd really like to learn how to speak whale (no, not like Dori on Finding Nemo).... Haven't heard a ton of whale sounds, but I think I've heard some humpback noises & yeah, there are days where those sounds seem to express perfectly how my heart feels... mournful cries echoing out into the great, vast, darkness of the deep... hoping someone, somewhere will hear the cries and respond so that it's not just my own echoes that I'm hearing....

...mind you I'm also thinking about learning how to curse in Chinese 'cause they do it in Serenity & it sounds cool... so yeah, maybe my judgement is a bit suspect.

"Prayers from a Penlight" by Billy Crockett
You look up one summer night
And see the billion burning suns of the Milky Way.
You've been informed this is barely a drop in the cosmic ocean,
So you snap a self-portrait, all hair and glasses and dental work,
and hold it up to the sky.


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