Sunday, September 27, 2009

“If you’re hearing this, you are the revolution.”

These are the words of John Connor in Terminator Salvation. Not the greatest movie, but these words were like a knife to me. In the movie the idea was that any human left who could hear his voice was, by default, part of the revolution to prevent humanity from being wiped out by the machines.

In many senses, especially in light of the recent vision I had, the same is true of us. In so many ways, there have been systematic attempts to wipe out humanity – both from our own stupidity, foolishness, selfishness, greed, arrogance, hate, evil, and, in my opinion, the darker forces of the demonic. And where the world hasn’t killed us, it’s tried to own us, to make us slaves and labourers, to kill, if not our bodies, then our spirits, hopes, dreams, passions. There has been so much in our world as a whole, and, as we think about it, our lives specifically where we are lucky to be alive…

…and I think somewhere in that gift of life, is the message that we are, by default, part of the revolution. The revolution against fear, prejudice, hate, the revolution against selfishness, idolatry, the revolution against oppression, slavery, injustice. Really it is the revolution of love – true, selfless giving of ourselves, our time, our possessions, everything….

And so in many ways, I feel that for each of us who have physical life, or who have the spark of passion, of hope, of love, of joy burning in our hearts in whatever small fragmentary embers remains that the world hasn’t totally snuffed out yet, we are the revolution. It is our voices that need to be heard in the world. We need to be messengers of life, of hope, of dignity & compassion.

This brings a weight to our words, to our lives. Every moment is meant to be lived. To savour & celebrate the uniqueness of our creation, the gift of being made in His image and experiencing the gifts of life and relationship. And so in each word we speak, in each flavour we savour on our tongues, each time we laugh, each moment we celebrate, or weep, or rage. Everything we do out of the truth of who we are whether it be big or small, significant or insignificant, it matters. Each of us living our lives brings inspiration to others to live their lives. As we share our passions, it ignites the passions of others. As we bubble over with joy, it becomes contagious. As we walk in beauty, others find inspiration. As we weep and mourn, others find depths of heart/feelings that have been locked for years. As we rage & make others uncomfortable with hard words, we stir up the itches that can’t be scratched, the underlying cry for justice & mercy that all of us feel, but few find voice for…..

…and so there is a great need to not be silent, but to speak, to live, to act, to be larger than life, or, well, to just live life to the full, unashamed, unhidden, to let our lights shine before men & women….

So speak…. You are, after all, the revolution…..

….are you listening?


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