The Red Pill Manifesto

Saturday, February 18, 2006


I really must admit just how therapeutic it is for me to do something artistic. I went down to the “Kilnary” on 14th Street tonight to start painting a ceramic mug for a friend. I’ve been down there a few times before. You buy a piece to paint & pick out your paints & then you paint it up however you want & then they fire & glaze it for you. I’ve done two pieces so far, a plate & a vase for my mom. This one will be my third.

But yeah, after the mood I’ve been in & the frustrations & sadness of the day, it was amazing to me just how good it felt to sit there & mess around with the paints & take the steps to try to bring the image in my head to life on the ‘canvas’ of a ceramic mug… It was refreshing, regenerating, life-giving activity. The sense of hopelessness, the feelings of being drained of energy, all of it just washed away & were forgotten in the middle of the creative process….

....will definitely have to do more of this (and hey, since I was the only guy in the whole place, maybe it’s a good place to meet women, too (though I’m all introverted & just stick to myself, so that probably won’t work either)).

Pictures of my Mom's vase:

Friday, February 17, 2006

The Silence of God

Since I'm commenting about Andrew Peterson's "Love & Thunder" album, here's the lyrics to another great song of his that really speaks to me:

The Silence of God by Andrew Peterson

It's enough to drive a man crazy; it'll break a man's faith
It's enough to make him wonder if he's ever been sane
When he's bleating for comfort from Thy staff and Thy rod
And the heaven's only answer is the silence of God

It'll shake a man's timbers when he loses his heart
When he has to remember what broke him apart
This yoke may be easy, but this burden is not
When the crying fields are frozen by the silence of God

And if a man has got to listen to the voices of the mob
Who are reeling in the throes of all the happiness they've got
When they tell you all their troubles have been nailed up to that cross
Then what about the times when even followers get lost?
'Cause we all get lost sometimes...

There's a statue of Jesus on a monastery knoll
In the hills of Kentucky, all quiet and cold
And He's kneeling in the garden, as silent as a Stone
All His friends are sleeping and He's weeping all alone

And the man of all sorrows, he never forgot
What sorrow is carried by the hearts that he bought
So when the questions dissolve into the silence of God
The aching may remain, but the breaking does not
The aching may remain, but the breaking does not
In the holy, lonesome echo of the silence of God

Love & Thunder

Canaan Bound from "Love & Thunder" by Andrew Peterson & Ben Shive

Sarah, take me by my arm
Tomorrow we are Canaan bound
Where westward sails the golden sun
And Hebron's hills are amber crowned

So bid your troubled heart be still
The grass, they say, is soft and green
The trees are tall and honey-filled
So, Sarah, come and walk with me

Like the stars across the heavens flung
Like water in the desert sprung
Like the grains of sand, our many sons
Oh, Sarah, fair and barren one
Come to Canaan, come

I trembled at the voice of God
A voice of love and thunder deep
With love He means to save us all
And Love has chosen you and me

Long after we are dead and gone
A thousand years our tale be sung
How faith compelled and bore us on
How barren Sarah bore a son
So come to Canaan, come

Where westward sails the golden sun
And Hebron's hills are amber crowned
Oh, Sarah, take me by my arm
Tomorrow we are Canaan bound

So begins, Andrew Peterson’s album “Love & Thunder”. I used to pick up a lot of music by Christian artists (“Contemporary Christian Music” or whatever it’s called). Now I seldom, do ‘cause I’m not sure their ‘voice’, the words they speak resonate with what I need to hear, or what I want to listen to. But Andrew’s voice (& that of his other collaborators) constantly moves me, constantly speaks of a faith that is deeper that words on pages or moral codes or lifestyles….

…this song woos me… it brings me back thousands of years to one of the first pilgrims, one of the first caught on the journey of faith….it brings me back to a simple man & his bride, to a man frail & feeble like any man, with a heart rich & strong, a man with dreams & longings to find that ‘better country’…

I listened to this song again today after a conversation at work between a Christian, a Sikh, & someone with fairly liberal, left-leaning, new age-ish beliefs. The talk began about relationships, about the Christian admiring this couple who were not going to kiss until they were engaged & how it was great that they were taking steps to not have sex before marriage. For the others, the reaction ranged from mild acceptance or tolerance of this view to a reaction as if someone had suddenly sprouted a second head. Somewhere in there, I tried to speak, tried to bring in some levels of reason to bridge the gaps between the various sides/ideologies, but, in a crowd of extroverts, I wasn’t forceful enough or as fast on my feet & my voice got lost in the shuffle of people talking about ideas of belief, of right & wrong, good & bad…..

….I feel often like I’m trying to bridge the gap. My dad & my brother argue about Muslims a lot. Dad sees the injustices caused by Islamic terrorists & the way that innocents are killed. He then starts to paint all Muslims with the same brush & has nothing good to say about them. My brother knows good & honest & kind Muslim people, he is friends with them & he loves their culture & their people. My brother sees the injustices done against Muslims, the way they have been all lumped into the category of ‘terrorist’ or ‘extremist’. And so my brother speaks out against this. My dad thinks my brother’s been in university too long & ‘infected’ by liberal, left-wing ideals. My brother figures my dad is listening to too much right-wing media & only seeing one side of the story.

And for me I see two people I love, two people with amazing hearts, two people with hearts that ache to see justice done & the oppressed go free…. I see two hearts with a common goal, but because they’re only looking at the one side of things, they don’t meet in the middle… and so I try to ‘advocate’, try to explain one’s position to the other and vice versa…. And yeah, so far it’s only achieved mixed results.

I try to advocate between the churched & the un-churched. I try to explain stuff about God, about salvation, about the church to those who don’t have a church background. I try to bring it into terms that make sense, terms that are the vernacular of the day instead of the ‘church-speak’ or ‘christian-ese’ that we church folk find ourselves trapped in. I try to apologize for the stupid or evil things the church does; try to smooth things over. Most of all, I try to make sense of it all to people who don’t have the background. I try to tell stories of men & women like Abraham & Sarah, stories of simple people who encounter an incredible God in the middle of average lives…..

…and I try to remind the church-folk of who they are & who they were. I try to help break down the walls of “us” and “them”, of “saint” and “sinner”. I try to remind people that we are all “sinners”, all addicts hell-bent on destroying ourselves, selfish people who are trying to grab their piece of the pie instead of allowing love to embrace us & to give us all we’re really longing for. I try to remind us that, at every persons core, there is still good, that there is some part of them that reflects God’s image, reflects part of His heart. I try to remind the churched that they are not so much unlike the unchurched – that the polish of ‘dressing up for Sunday’ won’t hide the aching in their heart or the treachery & longing in their own souls. I hope by doing this that somehow the churched will see that the un-churched are not enemies to be attacked, but people like themselves, people who need to be loved….

I’ve tried to advocate between men & women. I’ve tried to treat women with respect, to remind them that they are valued, that they are more than images, more than ‘things’, that they are people of worth & value. I’ve tried to remind them that they are precious. I’ve tried to remind men to adjust their vision, to see the whole of a woman, to answer the call of their own hearts that longs to embrace not some mindless image enslaved to their beck & call, but instead to embrace an equal, to embrace a friend, a partner, someone cherished & respected. I’ve tried to remind both of the great play, the epic story told through every man & every woman on the planet – the heart of Christ willing to lay down His life for His bride, and the heart of the church, the enraptured bride, longing for her groom & embracing Him as a mature partner in love & service…

…but it’s conversations like today that show me just how far the gap is…. How that advocates can’t really do much when we’re all convinced we’re ‘right’ and refuse to listen to the other side. It seems to be our nature as humans to assume that we are right & the rest of the world is clueless… a rather arrogant view if one thinks about it, but we cling to this view nevertheless.

We all talk of looking for truth, but we really only seem to embrace what is true to us – the ‘truth’ we’ve encountered. More than that, I’ve learned that even if one could produce ‘absolute truth’, each person still has the choice to whether or not they want to embrace that ‘truth’… and yeah, I think all of us, men & women, Christian & not-so-christian tend to just make up our minds & refuse to hear what the others have to say….

… and so the voice of the advocates gets lost… or at least mine does… partly because it’s a ‘partial’ or ‘tainted’ voice. As much as I may try to understand others, I’m still pretty limited. I’ll never be a woman (which I’m sort of glad about ‘cause I like being a guy), I’ve grown up in the church my whole life & life with Jesus is really all I’ve known. And so I’m ‘crippled’ in a sense that I will never fully relate, never fully be able to embrace both sides of the divide…. At best, I listen with biased ears & it takes me years to really understand even one small part the ‘other side’…

…this is why Jesus is the one true advocate, the one mediator between God & humanity. Jesus embraced both sides – He was fully God & fully man & could, as Job longed for, take God by the hand & take man by the hand & explain the heart of the one to the heart of the other & could reconcile Father to child & children to Father…..

All of this makes my heart weary, makes me long for the place where peace rules, where love is King…. Like Abraham & Sarah, I long for that better country. That place where we know & are fully known, the place where the lion lies down with the lamb, where there is no sickness, no sadness, no suffering, no death.

And like Abraham, I look over at the seeming bareness of my life & the way the dreams just haven’t worked out yet (including not having a Sarah to share the journey with) & yeah, some moments I wonder if it’s worth carrying on, worth trying again. Though somewhere in there, there is always the voice, calling me to come, wooing me to continue on, to be forever “Canaan bound” and looking for the land where “there is love, love, love, love….”

After the Last Tear Falls from "Love & Thunder" by Andrew Osenga & Andrew Peterson

After the last tear falls
After the last secret's told
After the last bullet tears through flesh and bone
After the last child starves
And the last girl walks the boulevard
After the last year that's just too hard

There is love
Love, love, love
There is love
Love, love, love
There is love

After the last disgrace
After the last lie to save some face
After the last brutal jab from a poison tongue
After the last dirty politician
After the last meal down at the mission
After the last lonely night in prison

There is love
Love, love, love
There is love
Love, love, love
There is love

And in the end, the end is
Oceans and oceans
Of love and love again
We'll see how the tears that have fallen
Were caught in the palms
Of the Giver of love and the Lover of all
And we'll look back on these tears as old tales

'Cause after the last plan fails
After the last siren wails
After the last young husband sails off to join the war
After the last "this marriage is over"
After the last young girl's innocence is stolen
After the last years of silence that won't let a heart open

There is love
Love, love, love
There is love

And in the end, the end is
Oceans and oceans
Of love and love again
We'll see how the tears that have fallen
Were caught in the palms
Of the Giver of love and the Lover of all
And we'll look back on these tears as old tales

'Cause after the last tear falls
There is love

Thursday, February 16, 2006


From "Snake Eyes: Declassified" Issue #6 from Devil's Due Publishing (Images taken from Free previews):

This was how it began, the epic romance between Snake-Eyes, the silent ninja, and Scarlett, the tough, strong, fearless warrior woman, of the G.I. Joe team. When I read it back in, oh, '84 or so, it was in issue #27 of the marvel comics series, but yeah, it was basically the same story....

... as a kid/teen, I identified with snake-eyes. He was the quiet one, the one with a dark past, filled with pain, but yet someone who was noble, brave, courageous, loyal, dependable & could kick ass in a fight... I think I connected with him partly from the coolness factor (just about every boy who's read/seen/played with G.I. Joe wants to be Snake-Eyes). But yeah, part of what drew me to him were the noble characters & the characteristics of pain....

...looking back I have no idea why I could identify with his pain, it's not like I'd really been through anything as a kid. But I've always been melancholic & have seen the darker sides of things & so yeah, maybe that's why the 'shadow warrior' - the one who moved like the night, but who was also on the run from the seemingly ever present hand of pain & suffering that was just one step behind him... but one who, regardless, fought on for freedom & liberty....

But along with that identifying came the draw to Scarlett. Scarlett was likely my first real crush (and the first live girl I had a crush on was another red-head & I've had an attraction to red-heads ever since). She was beautiful, but not some frail woman looking for someone to save her & protect her. She was one of the most respected members of the Joe team & fought as long & hard as any of the guys on the team - often out shining them in her drive, ingenuity & fighting prowess... But she had a soft, tender & gentle side to her. You'd see it in the quiet moments, the tiny tears barely visible on the comic book page when she was flying in to rescue Snake-Eyes from the latest mission where he'd nearly been killed (but miraculously survived - guess that happened a lot in the comics). She laughed lots, was deeply loyal & yeah, loved deeply....

...and even as just a kid on the verge of moving into puberty & 'becoming' a man (still not sure if I'm there some days), I recognized in my own heart that these are traits I wanted in the person I wanted to share my life with. I wanted a true partner, an equal, in life. Someone to go adventure with & someone to share the quiet moments with, the subtle looks & touches just past the panels of the comic that showed how much you loved each other.....

...and yeah, I think I've been looking for Scarlett ever since....


So…. I went to Centre Street on Tuesday night…. Centre Street church is one of Calgary’s largest churches & has a reputation for lots happening there, lots of people coming & yeah, well, a reputation that you can ‘meet people’ there….

…and that’s why I went. To meet people, well, specifically to meet women in the hopes of meeting ‘a’ woman that I could ask out on a date (or some such thing)….

Tuesday was Valentine’s day. I was actually having a fantastic Valentine’s day. Part of the Sunday prior to this was working out some heart stuff & reaching this point of being really happy being single, or at least really happy being me in the current state that I’m in. And so by Tuesday, Valentine’s day, I was still coasting on being pretty happy about my life & not bitter & cursing the day like some of my other single friends were….

….and I went to Centre Street Church in the hopes of meeting someone just ‘cause I figured I should. I thought I should get out there & expand my ‘circles’, meet new people, see if I could meet someone where sparks flew & chemistry ignited…. & yeah, perhaps lofty & unrealistic goals for a one night visit to a ‘young adults’ meeting, but yeah…. I just figured I’d go & see what happens.

So yeah, the evening was spent listening to people sing, watching people praying fervently, listening to people talking about their unfaithfulness to God & how they look for other lovers instead of only Him. They ushered all of us ‘new comers’ into a room where they went through the whole spiel of how things worked with their groups. First you come to the newcomer’s class, then you go to breakout groups, then you join a small group; usually the small groups are same-sex, so you can more freely talk about your ‘temptations’. They listed off the 20 different things you could get involved in for ‘ministry’ or social events or retreats or whatever & talked about Friday night’s sports events & all this stuff…

….and yeah, I walked away from the night pretty frustrated about the whole thing. Last night the frustration turned to depression & despondency. Lucky for me I had a good friend’s shoulder to cry on (literally) for a while otherwise, I think I’d be doing way worse than I am now.

At the newcomer’s class they talked about how this ‘young adults’ group had a reputation of being a ‘meat-market’ of a place to find a spouse and they talked about how that really the desire of the ministry was to help people grow closer to God and so the ministry was more organized to help people with their spiritual growth instead of making contact with members of the opposite sex. “Really the best way to find someone,” the preacher man said, “is to pursue God fully and when your walk with Him is strong, then He’ll bring along the right person at the right time.”

That statement was one of the ones that sort of hurt the worst last night. Part of the despondency was from feeling a lack of options or just a terror of the unknown. I’d always assumed I’d bump into my future-wife somewhere, likely through church. And I’ve been looking for this ‘meeting’, often only to find hearts that I don’t recognize; no one that my heart ‘knows’, no one that feels like ‘home’ to me…. I’m now at a phase in life where I’m not so sure I could ‘find’ a woman who would fit with me at church. I’ve changed. I’m not very ‘church’ like in the sense that I don’t toe the line anymore. I don’t enjoy going to church (if church means sitting through some singing & a message). The thought of contorting myself or flagellating myself/beating myself up for the sake of getting ‘closer to God’ makes me sick (I’m abusive of myself enough without falling into the religious patterns of guilt, shame, fear for not meeting an impossible standard). I won’t live my life through WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) or other Christian slogans that rob us from encountering a God who engages us, who makes us think, a God who is beyond giving us rules & commands of “do this”/”don’t do that”…. Certainly God gives commands, but as John says, “the commandments of the Lord are not grievous/burdensome”; anything God tells us is principles that keep us safe & are for our ‘good’. It doesn’t mean that God can’t deal with things when we walk out of safety or out of ‘good’. (and I think a lot, He actually calls us away from ‘safety’ to the place of risk, to the place of loving others). More than anything God’s commandment is love, which looks different that the commandments in the church….

Mostly I just get the sense that I’m not ‘good enough’ for most Christian women… I’m not ‘pure’ enough… (& I’m likely too stiff/straight-laced for non-church women).

But yeah, if I can’t find ‘her’ in a church, then where? I think finding a Christian date/person-to-possibly-marry, is maybe still a good idea for me, but if you can’t meet them in church, then where do you go? (barring the internet which I’m still leaving as the fall back plan – though I don’t relish that idea either).

But yeah, what bothered me about the preacher’s statement was just this idea that “if you are good, God will bless you. If you are bad, God will withhold blessing from you”. It’s just so frustrating for me to think that I’ve done things “right” – or at least “right” in the eyes of what I was told a good Christian man was supposed to be. On the outside, I did the stuff I was supposed to do, read my bible, prayed, shared my faith, went to church, ministered to the poor, helped out with ‘ministry’ things, loved people…. And, again on the outside, I didn’t do the stuff I wasn’t supposed to: I didn’t drink, smoke, do drugs, have sex, go to wild parties, tell off-colour jokes, lie, steal, cheat. Frick, I’m the guy who still feels bad about crossing the street unless I have a little white man light telling me it’s ‘lawful’ to walk across… and in all of it, through all the years, what I’ve longed for most was just someone to share my heart & life with.

And so it makes me mad (and sad) to hear some guy in ‘authority’ say, “follow God & He’ll bless you & give you the desires of your heart” and to sit there going, “God, I thought I was following you, and my heart just has this huge gaping hole in it that still cries out for someone to, not fill the hole, but to share the ache of life….” And so somewhere along the way, if I’m to interpret this guy’s words as ‘truth’, either I didn’t follow God enough, didn’t do enough, push enough, pray enough, work enough to make God happy with me, or God has abandoned me, or failed, or ignored me….

…and yeah, I’ve seen lots of other people, friends, who haven’t ‘done it right’ and yet their lives are blessed. They have aspects of their hearts desires. They have good & bad, rich & poor, better & worse, & many of them have a spouse to share all of these with them. And yeah, I’m totally not bitter that my friends find blessing or find that special someone when I have not. I’m happy for them, but it just makes me go that this advice from the preacher is total B.S. ‘cause God is unreasonably good & blesses us just ‘cause He longs & loves to bless us. He doesn’t work with us like a dog trainer; giving us the doggy treat when we do right & rubbing our noses in it when we make mistakes….

…and I’m not saying that I’m not blessed, or that I’m not happy (most times). I have a fantastic life & through the full times & the empty times I’ve tasted the wealth of human experience & drunk it down like rich wine. I’ve experienced the joys of closeness & intimacy & I’ve experienced the soul-crushing weight of loneliness, abandonment & despair… and in each place I’ve met Jesus; I’ve found His presence there, sweet & good & beautiful; full of love & full of grace….

All I’m saying is don’t feel me these lines of crap anymore. Don’t treat me like I’m some dumb kid who is sitting in Sunday school eating all this stuff up & marvelling at your ‘wisdom’. I’ve seen life, I’ve been through the ‘system’ of church involvement. I’ve been to small groups & seen the good & the bad. Experienced the closeness of when it works & the fraud of when you’re just going through the motions. I know that God will be good regardless; that nothing can keep us from His love or from His hand of blessing. With God, even the hard times are good, even His reprimands or discipline is sweet – all is designed to make us long for His presence, for His touch….

…my heart hurt for people on Tuesday night. It was hard to watch people hiding themselves for the sake of being spiritual. So many people, good people, were talking about how they just needed to focus more ‘cause Jesus should be ‘enough’ for them & they shouldn’t need to be looking for another person to be a part of their life. And yeah, this is such a lie. Yes, Jesus is ‘enough’. But at the same time, in the story of creation, Adam exists in the garden with God & is ‘full’ in God’s presence. Adam lacks nothing, but yet is empty, yet he is missing something. And God, who knew this would happen all along, goes, “ah, this is not good” and so makes woman, separating her from man, so that she can be joined together with man & the two would live a lifetime of becoming ‘one flesh’ again & again….

God made us in His image, an image of trinity, an image of relationship, an image of love. We humans cannot thrive without love. Sure we can survive. We can grit our teeth through it all & get by, but we’re not really living to the full. We cannot exist apart from relationship – both with the divine & with the finite – we need people, we are made to ache for them, we are made to ache for love, to ache for union, to ache for a spouse, a mate, a life-partner, to ache for someone to share our hearts & lives with, for someone with whom we can know/be known, love/be loved…. Here in the church, even on Valentine’s day, we treat those who long for love like sinners, like they are feeble & weak & ‘less spiritual’ than those who have denied their own hearts, denied their creation & through piety have stifled the natural desires & longings & gifts that God has given them….

It just frustrates me so badly how we in the ‘church’ continue to misrepresent God. We stand between people & God & block their access to Him. Instead of waving them on to His always open embrace, we block the path & say, “no, you must be clean to approach a holy God”. We deny people the free grace & cleansing blood of Christ that He longs to pour out on every one…

…and yeah, maybe I’m stuck with internet dating…. I’m not going to survive many more sermons that make my blood boil like that (or that give power to the voices of ‘not enough’).

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

prayers on matters of the heart

I think my prayer life is screwed up the most when it comes to praying about women. My prayers are small & seldom lately. Most times I’m sort of crippled in knowing what to pray other than to just make conversation with God or to just share my thought life with Him… I guess I’ve gotten used to ‘prayer’ being some task oriented thing where I’m meant to be ‘accomplishing’ something by asking for the right stuff (the right stuff being grand, noble things like world peace or ending hunger).

I’ve found that my prayers are most ‘damaged’ when it comes to talking to God about my romantic life. It used to be I prayed about that area of my life a lot. Some of it would be asking God for guidance, or miracles. Sometimes it’d be asking Him to look out for the mythical ‘her’, o protect her & help her grow strong & free & bring her to me eventually….

..but yeah, somewhere along the way, through the ups & downs of ‘falling in love’ or not love I lost something. I remember lots of prayers about wanting to know if some girl was ‘the one’. I remember looking for signs & indications that some girl was going to be the one I’d spend the rest of my life with. I remember the prayers begging God to have her change her mind, praying that she wouldn’t leave.

I remember places stopping myself from praying for direction ‘cause I realized I really didn’t want to know. I realized that if God told me that a girl wanted me that it’d be too good to be true & I wouldn’t believe it or would have a hard time waiting for her. And on the flip side I realized that if God told me the girl wasn’t interested in me, I’d be all crushed ‘cause I was already attached to her in my heart….

I’ve learned somewhere that in matters of the heart, my judgement is clouded. I’m a feeler, I care deeply & get easily attached & sort of have no idea how to tell the difference between friendship love & dating love (if there is such a distinction between ‘qualities’ of love). And so my prayers are clouded, too. They’re either empty prayers trying to pray “the right thing”, the stuff I figure God ‘wants’ to hear, or they’re selfish prayers asking God to bend someone’s will & manipulate reality.

Part of it, too, is I’m scared to pray the heart stuff any more. I was thinking about these things today & asking that ‘God’s will would be done’ (the nice Christian-ese phrase that means you’re throwing your hands up in frustration & going, “ah, God, do whatever you want to do ‘cause you’re going to do it anyways” or “God I have no idea what the right decision is, you pick what’s the right decision”). And it made me think about what do I actually want to happen & honestly I didn’t know. So far it always seems to be the choice between hoping to grasp something, someone, in the present & hope it lasts for ‘forever’ or to enter the abyss of waiting or rejection and hope for that right someone to magically appear someday.

And it all frightens me. What if what I want now isn’t what I want years down the road? If I wait will there ever be another? Or anyone for that matter? And then there’s the sense of it all being out of my control… that even if I do make up my mind what I want, she may or may not have picked me. Or she may have been interested & in all my waffling she gave up & has moved on. What if I never meet her? What if my patterns of life never intersect with her patterns? What if there is no her?

And the lack of control only feels worse when you involve God…. It just throws a third person in the mix that you don’t know what they’re thinking. I used to trust the ‘signs’ I got ‘from God’, until I realized I’d keep reading into the signs whatever it was that I wanted to hear…. And all of it brings up the fears of rejection & the temper-tantrum child effect where I’m stamping my foot & going, “I want it, I want it” and whining to some heavenly parent to have Him change the mind of a thinking, breathing, independent woman….and in that I’m robbing her of choice & wanting her (and God) just to bow down to my whims…

Sad, sad, sad…. It seems you can’t fight the inevitable – either the inevitable bad, or the inevitable wonderful & good…. Crying about it doesn’t do much good. Just hope I have the balls to actually do something about it when I am with/around someone I really want….

Making a run for it

Is it bad when driving to work & you notice you have a full tank of gas & think long & hard about making a break for it & seeing just how far that tank of gas will take you?

Contemplations on Rest

It’s something to contemplate that we are made needing to spend 1/3 of our life in sleep. Any less & our frames start to collapse. If this is how the world is supposed to work, maybe we ought to treat rest a bit more seriously….

…this is part of the mystery with Jesus, that he spends about 30 years doing ‘nothing’ and then wanders & talks to people for three years, leaves a bunch of bumbling followers who really don’t ‘get it’ until after He’s gone & it’s really in dying (and being raised from the dead) that he has this huge impact.

If this is the live we’re made to live in & the God we believe we worship, then perhaps the messages from churches that sound more like motivational speeches to ‘do more’ or ‘work harder’ have no place.

Grace Must Wound

"It was Flannery O'Connor who said that "grace must wound before it heals." Her words help me to separate what is most true about life from the things we want to be true. We want life to be painless. True grace is a hard sell because in order for the human heart to understand forgiveness and love, it must first experience darkness and isolation. A life lived under the rule of grace is a life of need which allows us to receive an appreciate the gift of the giver of grace. This is why we will always have the poor with us; this is why God will not allow us to ignore injustice; this is why we are called to a life we cannot handle alone, which can and will break us in the effort to live it -- because grace must wound before it heals". – Justin McRoberts, from the “Grace Must Wound” CD

“The Secret of the Easy Yoke” by David Bazan (Pedro the Lion), covered on Justin McRoberts “Grace Must Wound” CD.

i could hear the church bells ringing
they pealed aloud your praise
the members faces were smiling
with their hands out stretched to shake
it's true they did not move me
my heart was hard and tired
their perfect fire annoyed me
i could not find you anywhere

could someone please tell me the story
of sinners ransomed from the fall
i still have never seen you
and some days i don't love you at all

the devoted were wearing bracelets
to remind them why they came
some concrete motivation
when the abstract could not do the same
but if all that's left is duty
i'm falling on my sword
at least then i would not serve
an unseen distant lord

could someone please tell me the story
of sinners ransomed from the fall
i still have never seen you
and some days i don't love you at all

if this is only a test
i hope that i'm passing
cause i'm losing steam
and i still want to trust you….

peace be still

The Island & The Goddess

“There is an island. It’s us” – Jordan Two Delta, from the movie “The Island”

I’ve recently had my writing complimented. A friend described my writing thus; “Kirk can take the most normal of things, like going for coffee or something, and then write about it and write so much stuff that you think your brain is going to fall out because he just goes on & on & on forever.”

So yeah, bearing that in mind….

I took a ‘me’ day on Friday. Had a compressed Friday off work & so had the day free. Took the car in early to try & diagnose some ABS sensor problems & then hoofed it from Northland mall down to Brentwood station (I definitely need the exercise) to grab a delicious breakfast at Smitty’s (the ‘colossal omelette’ is fantastic after a brisk walk in the cool air). While there, I decided to enjoy an essay from the “Finding Serenity” book, a collection of essays related to the Firefly/Serenity TV series/movie.

On that particular morning I read Joy Davidson’s essay, “Whores and Goddesses: The Archetypal Domain of Inara Serra”. Dr. Davidson’s a sex therapist & the essay traces the history of ritual prostitution down through the ages. Honestly I found the article fascinating. I didn’t agree exactly with large chunks of what she had to say (which is perhaps neither here nor there), but the article did open me up to a lot of concepts I’d never really thought of.

She goes into a lot of detail about the concept of “the goddess”:

“From these records [from ancient Mesopotamia] come the earliest references to sacred prostitution, the predecessor of what we know today as the sex trade. In ancient times however, people didn’t merely trade in sex; rather they shared union with the Goddess through her fleshly embodiment, the temple priestess.

The goddesses of this period, though worshipped in multiple locales under a variety of names, were all related to Kali Ma, the Hindu “triple goddess” of creation, preservation and destruction. As the source of birth, existence and death, kali’s world was an eternal living flux, a dark and liquid chaos from which all life arose and disappeared again in endless cycles…. As mother and creator, Kali emanated karuna, meaning “the treasure house of compassion.” Karuna was the quality of mother-love directly experienced in infancy and later amplified to embrace all forms of love, tenderness, sensual pleasure, eroticism. Tantric sages called karuna the essence of religion – that is, the essence of the Goddess, for the Goddess was religion itself and karuna flowed into the world through the Goddesses’ agents on earth, women. The Goddess’ sacred whores were thought to be specially anointed teachers of karuna.

….pagan Rome gave the Great Goddess the title of Mater Cara – mother beloved – for she combined all the qualities of sexuality, motherhood, spousal intimacy, friendship, generosity and mercy, or caritas which the Christian church later purged of sexual implications and called “charity.”

…In ancient Babylon…her priestesses lay with men in exchange for monetary offerings. To enter the body of the priestess was to come as close as a male could ever dream to the source of divine power and comfort. Through congress with her, the warrior was cleansed of the ravages of war, the transgressor purified. By sharing karuna, a man received far more than carnal delight; he received blessing.”

I’ve never understood the concept of the ‘goddess’. I’ve heard stuff from Wicca & various new age or ultra-feminist movements that embrace this concept of ‘the goddess’. But I’d never heard it explained as to who “the goddess” is or why someone would want to believe in her. This article helps me to make sense of this.

Dr. Davidson points out that so many ancient cultures had a concept of the goddess. She was called Ishtar in Babylon, Inanna in Sumeria, Astarte in Egypt, Aphrodite in Grecia, Venus in Rome. She is known as Ashtoreth or the ‘queen of heaven’ in the old testament. This helps bring the idea of the goddess into terms I’ve heard before. These are dark & ancient gods worshipped in ages past and, apparently, embraced today.

I’ve always been sort of nervous around the term ‘the goddess’ and, with my lack of understanding, have never really known why. Putting ‘the goddess’ in terms of ‘Ashtoreth’ brings it back to concepts I’ve at least read about; brings it back to the ‘big three’ in the old testament. Throughout the old testament, there seems to be three main categories of gods that ruled the nations around Israel (and sometimes Israel themselves). They had different names depending on which nation you came from, but their functions were the same across the cultures. There were the gods who ruled by fear, the thunder & lightning gods, the Baals or lords, who controlled people through the fear that if they didn’t offer up some sacrifice, the god would be mad & smite them or their crops/lands/cattle with thunderbolts (we in the Christian church sometimes get the Christian God confused with the Baals). There were the fertility goddesses like Asthoreth or Ashera whose temples would be huge phallic symbols with ritual prostitution. These goddesses (arguably) controlled people through their sexual desires. And then there were the Molechs, the abortion gods, where you’d sacrifice your children for the hopes of having fertile crops or cattle or wives; killing the heritage you’ve been given for the possibility of ‘more’….

But still, as unnerving as I find the concept of ‘the goddess’, Dr.Davidson describes it all as something beautiful, something wonderful, something desirable & something (dare I say it) holy. Again, I have my scepticism – partly from being a guy & recognizing that we don’t always treat sex, or women, as sacredly as we should. (And I’m sceptical that prostitution, in any form, is a trade in which a woman can be completely empowered, completely free to choose her own way without the predators of society entrapping & enslaving her.)

But in the midst of her description of the goddess, Dr. Davidson makes these statements:

“Scholars have suggested that such deep respect for the sacred feminine was a serious threat to the priests of later monotheistic religious sects who sought to position themselves between the people and the sacred source. To do so they had to remove women from the path to power, and that meant not only eradicating the Goddess herself, but also locking the door that led directly from the feminine body and its pleasures to the divine. The priests achieved this end by turning truth upon its head and reducing female sexuality to a source of sin and shame – a vicious undertaking to which we in the twenty-first century are still held hostage.”

And yeah, this statement kind of rocked me. I have no way of knowing how true this is, but it still makes me think; have we done this in the church? Have we been so afraid of ‘the goddess’, so afraid of the powers & wonders of our own sexuality, that we’ve completely locked & closed the door to everything good & wonderful about sex & sexuality?

I’ve been raised in the church. I grew up with no real concept of sex or sexuality. Sure I knew there were differences between boys & girls. I knew that women got pregnant & had children. I knew that mom’s & dad’s got together & kissed & ‘stuff’ & that was what started the whole pregnancy process, but yeah, I had no concepts of the details. I partially learned about sex as a 13 year old listening to my friends talk about sex. I had to sort of piece all of it together from the random bits of conversation that they had. There was a language, a ‘code’ about sex, and yeah, it took a while for me to work out the code to get even the most basic understanding of sex & how it all worked. (Mind you the hormones & process of going through puberty & seeing the girls around me turn into women definitely helped the process of understanding).

I’m now 33, turning 34, haven’t dated much, haven’t ‘gotten laid’ yet (mostly due to a lack of gumption rather than some adherence to principles or ‘doing the right thing’). I do have a much better understanding of sex (at least conceptually) than I did when I was 13. But yeah, I’ve seen a lot of things….

..what I’ve seen mostly is how the church treats sex & sexuality. I’ve seen sex treated as the big taboo, the one sin that will instantly get a person treated with shame & scepticism. It’s one of the more ‘obvious’ sins; not like pride or jealousy which we can hide in our hearts or label as ‘piety’. I’ve watched the church shun people who’ve had sex like they were carrying some plague. I’ve watched the church shut our mouths to keep us from talking about sex. I’ve watched the church stand up in moral indignation at the culture of sexuality around us & decry all the ‘wickedness’ of the world around us, all the while trying to pretend that we in the church are some sex-less beings, or beings who don’t need, don’t want, don’t crave sex until we’re married (and then it’s OK once in a while).

I’ve watched youth groups where the messages have been to try to keep kids from having sex, listening to music with explicit lyrics & doing drugs. I’ve heard people talk of how God thinks these things are ‘bad’, and I’ve wondered whether these ‘truths’ are based in what God actually thinks or based instead on what parent’s want their kids to hear so they grow up to be ‘safe’, productive members of society with good educations & good jobs and don’t get waylaid on the road to university by ‘unwanted preganancies’.

I’ve watched people, good, beautiful & holy people, agonize over their past sexual experiences. I’ve watched good people, people that God likes & loves, torture themselves & feel like ‘sinners’ and ‘whores’ because they’ve had sex in the past. I’ve watched people’s faith crumble ‘cause they can’t stop thinking about sex (and this isn’t some obsessive thing, it’s just kind of ‘normal’ levels of thinking about sex) and they figure they’re ‘evil’, ‘disobedient’, ‘rebellious’ or weak willed because they can’t, through their will power, quench their sex-drives….

…and I’ve watched a lost of us in the church castigate (or metaphorically castrate) ourselves, trying to act like we are non-sexual beings when, lo & behold, we ARE sexual beings – and our sexuality is a gift from God. (God’s first commandment, as Rich Mullins liked to point out, was that men & women “go forth, be fruitful & multiply” or, if you read Kirk’s paraphrase version, “go out & make lotsa whoopee!!”)

In Genesis chapter 1, the interesting statement is there saying “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them”. And there is this aspect that to be made in the image of God is to be incomplete apart from union with another. The Christian faith worships a God in trinity – three and yet one – and so, too, we humans most reflect God’s image when we are in union – when God, man & woman, join together and become one. And this, as Genesis talks about, is mostly clearly demonstrated in the bonds of sexual union.

And so, in a lot of ways, the above sounds much like the beautiful parts of what Dr. Davidson describes with her concepts of karuna. Mike Mason in his chapter on “Sex” in his book “The Mystery of Marriage” talks about sex within marriage as being this beautiful place of union and healing. He talks about it being this place of where man & woman can return to Eden, to return to the place where they can be ‘naked & without shame’ as Adam & Eve were in the garden before the fall, before the time where they chose to break union with God & each other by eating from the forbidden tree.

And, as with Dr. Davidson’s description, Mr.Mason makes it sound beautiful & amazing… it sounds like heaven, like home, like what my soul’s been longing for. For, if what they say is true, this place of union is the place of where man & woman can truly meet each other & truly meet with God. That as the entwined couple looks at each other, they can see the face of God, the face of love, smiling back at them. It’s this beautiful, healing & restorative thing where you can be entirely naked with another person and with God; naked both in the physical & the emotional/spiritual. You can lay your soul bare before another & they can see all your beauty & majesty as well as all your flaws, blemishes & inadequacies….and in this magical, in this beautiful, in this holy place, you find that you can come with full disclosure & be fully known & in that knowing, your beloved (& The Beloved (God)) fully embraces you in all of your nakedness & fragility, not only accepting all the good & bad, beauty & blemishes, achievements and failures, virtues & faults, but actually loving & cherishing every single part of you in your past, your present & your future.

It is in this, that sexual union is to have the powerful effect of bringing healing to people & to societies, cultures & nations. It is the exchange of love, the free flowing of love & acceptance that first of all heals the couple through the touch & acceptance of love & then spills over through the couples joy, love & happiness to the world around them.

And this, too, highlights the danger of a union where there is no love or no commitment present. The danger is that this type of union takes something that is so potentially beautiful, positive & healing & turns it into one more voice that says “you’re not worthy of love”. God wants (‘commands’ if you will) sexual union within the context of a loving & committed relationship not because it’s some arbitrary concept of right & wrong, but because He knows the pain of when that union is broken – the pain & damage that is caused when someone who was to be the ‘face of love’, the reflection of God to another, then turns & says, “I don’t want you”, “I don’t love you”…. and all of this sends people again into the spiral of damage & condemnation, of fear & cynicism of where they are mistrustful of God, of good, of love…. (though on the flip side of that, I’ve met plenty of people who have ‘survived’ this, or haven’t even noticed this as having an effect on them.)

And so through our fear, the church has turned something beautiful, something marvellous, some completely natural God given thing that we all (or mostly all) desire and turned it into something shameful & wicked. Out of our ignorance we’ve decided to follow ‘rules’ instead of understanding principles. We’ve left grace for law & abandoned mercy to take up judgement… Instead of teaching the wonders of our creation, the wonders & miracle of sexuality, we’ve robbed it all & left people in shackles – condemned by their own bodies that they desire that which is ‘forbidden’…

And so I shudder at what we’ve done in the church. Of how we’ve made ourselves irrelevant to society by our illogical arguments. I wonder just what damaged we’ve caused? Both in making the church unwelcoming to people who have had sex and in not preaching the ‘good news’ of sex or of a God who desperately loves us & longs, aches, for union with us. I wonder how much we’ve limited women in the church with this thinking? How much have we as men, who are often ruled by sexual desires, have suppressed God’s moving in the women around us because we aren’t able to master our own hormones. How much have we (men & women) blocked the path to union with God? How often have we asked people to come through us, or through our set of rules, or clique, or club or church, instead of coming directly to God just as they are? How much have we turned the truths of sex into lies? There’s just so many questions & it all makes me go, ‘wow, we have totally botched this…. And turned God’s glory into something shameful.”

Again, I just go back to Jesus. He is the God-man who was comfortable with ‘whores’ – He welcomed their presence & was welcome in theirs. He was the one who knew they were looking for love, real love, not the ‘love’ that someone pays for, but the love that is freely given from a sacrificial heart. His was the heart that brought healing to theirs, who showed them their worth, their true status as people, as women, as individuals, that they were precious & honoured, respected & loved. All through the Bible, God embraces those who have had all kinds of sexual background/history. God chooses Rahab the prostitute to be part of His plans in making Israel a nation & bringing a Messiah to earth. God chooses David’s adulterous relationship to sire a king, and eventually sire King Jesus, through the wife of the man David murdered. God continually embraces Israel over & over after all of her adulterous affairs with the pagan gods (and goddesses) around her.

God is not afraid of passion, His will not crippled by our attempts at finding union – however temporary or fleeting. God will not treat us with shame & contempt for anything we have done. Instead He comes, ever always, as a lover to embrace us, to meet us in our nakedness & bring us into the union of perfect love with Him where Jesus’ sacrifice, and sacrificial love, covers us, heals us & washes us clean….